Dr. George Delaney
I just wanted to express a heartfelt thanks for all of the excellent training this past weekend during your Vampire course! I’ve done a number of trainings in the past three years and yours stands out as one of the best primarily due to your own focused and earnest personal involvement in the student’s progression of learning the procedures in the most engaged and expert way possible.
Other examples that are very apparent: excellent hands-on time and opportunities, emphasis on minimization of risk, supreme technical proficiency, even in minute detail, taking a technical procedure of the face and moving it to the level of artistry, dedication to the essence of learning, very apparent and knowledgeable business sense, extremely capable, involved, engaged, proficient and polite office staff.
You’ve really created something at your office that, to me, serves as a model to point my own medical and business compass towards. I remember really relating to you during dinner when you described how hard it has been to get to the point you are at now; very helpful for me to move forward in positivity towards my goal of building a similarly amazing aesthetic and functional medicine practice in the Seattle area. Also thank you for all of the hospitality! Again, after all of the education on Friday, dinner with you and your staff was also a highlight of the trip. Jill is definitely a delight and a sweetheart; I know Jannette really liked her and benefitted from engaging with her from a marketing and business development sense.
– Dr. George Delaney, Edmonds, WA