I just wanted to express a heartfelt thanks for all of the excellent training this past weekend during your Vampire course! I’ve done a number of trainings in the past three years and yours stands out as one of the best primarily due to your own focused and earnest personal involvement in the student’s progression of learning the procedures in the most engaged and expert way possible.
Other examples that are very apparent: excellent hands-on time and opportunities, emphasis on minimization of risk, supreme technical proficiency, even in minute detail, taking a technical procedure of the face and moving it to the level of artistry, dedication to the essence of learning, very apparent and knowledgeable business sense, extremely capable, involved, engaged, proficient and polite office staff.
You’ve really created something at your office that, to me, serves as a model to point my own medical and business compass towards. I remember really relating to you during dinner when you described how hard it has been to get to the point you are at now; very helpful for me to move forward in positivity towards my goal of building a similarly amazing aesthetic and functional medicine practice in the Seattle area. Also thank you for all of the hospitality! Again, after all of the education on Friday, dinner with you and your staff was also a highlight of the trip. Jill is definitely a delight and a sweetheart; I know Jannette really liked her and benefitted from engaging with her from a marketing and business development sense.
– Dr. George Delaney, Edmonds, WA
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to complete Seiler Skin Aesthetic Institute’s online training course for neurotoxins and facial filler injections. I only have the highest praise for the course. I am a board certified OB/GYN in Birmingham, Alabama and have been offering Botox to my patients for the last 7 years as an additional service. I have been to 3 hands-on training courses over that time and this online training by far surpassed any other trainings I have done. Dr. Seiler’s thoroughness of the anatomy and explanation of techniques were better than any I have encountered. Also I was impressed by the variability in patients that allowed for problem solving. Most courses that I have been to seem to only have a few standard type models. Dr. Seiler’s course is well worth the time and cost! In previous hands-on trainings, with the cost of travel, hotel and airfare, plus the time away from my family – I would much rather spend a little more money up front, and be able to complete the online training on my time schedule. Plus the online modules have the added benefit of an incredible resource to refer to. In my own practice, I initially did some filler injections but I don’t currently have the patient volume to maintain that. However, I do feel that Dr. Seiler’s course gave me the confidence to pick it back up if that should change. All in all, thumbs up for the course, Dr. Seiler and his amazing staff!
-Dr. Michelle Christine, Birmingham, AL
I having been performing cosmetic procedures for 19 years and have attended various trainings over the years. I found the way that Dr. Seiler presented his online training course on neurotoxins and filler to be absolutely superior. The fact that the sessions are always available and I can review it as many times as I want makes the learning experience better than anything I have experienced before. We lose 70% of the information after two weeks when attending a training session or conference. I have reviewed his sessions more than 40 times and every time I have learned something new! I would recommend this to anyone who is serious about his or her cosmetic practice, as well as the novice and experienced injectors.
-Dan Botha MD MBA, Calgary Alberta Canada
I have already sung your professional praises and am looking forward to improving my practice as well. Thank you again for sharing some of your time and expertise with myself as well as the staff here at Cape Fear Aesthetics. The staff really benefitted from your lecture and feel that this will allow us to better market the laser part of our practice.
-Dr. Edward Dickerson, Cape Fear Aesthetics, Fayetteville NC
Though I’m somewhat late in doing so, I would like to comment on the orientation process our office experienced in December for the Lumenis laser. First of all, Dr. Seiler was very accommodating in the scheduling process and he was punctual on the day scheduled. The information he gave was organized and well delivered, in as much as, I’ve had other similar experiences in which the orientation was “disorienting”. There is another factor that must be mentioned, that being, coming from a physician who actually performs the procedure, the information was very credible. I felt very comfortable with the guidelines and the approach to laser resurfacing that he took and suggested. Salespersons, nurses and others know a tremendous amount regarding their product, but there is an important message that the practicing physician has to offer. My experience with the laser has been very smooth so far. I am glad Lumenis decided to send Dr. Seiler to our office for the orientation process. Thanks. I look forward to seeing you in the near future.
-Jon F. Strohmeyer MD
Our Lumenis UltraPulse Co2 Laser is up and running. We had the great pleasure of having Dr. Warren Seiler provide the training for us yesterday. We kicked off the day with over 2.5 hours of lectures in the morning, followed by UltraPulse orientation/familiarization, then treated a Fitz III patient with acne scarring, fine perioral/periorbital rhytids, and glabellar creasing using deep IV sedation. The case went flawless and having Dr. Seiler, with his vast background of laser experience, made it that much easier. Dr. Seiler was VERY familiar with the UltraPulse and provided MANY technical and surgical pearls that will long serve our needs. I want to thank you for sending us such a competent and experienced provider who was easily able to answer all of our questions and address our concerns. I can honestly say that this was the best assistance/support that we have received with the purchase of any product thus far!
-COL Tom Goksel, DDS, MD, FACS
Dr. Seiler was awesome. Very nice. We were very happy to have him do our training.
-Alexandria S. Kongsiri, MD, MPH
I just wanted to let you both know how well I thought the Pearls and Gems Seminar last Thursday was with Dr. Seiler. He was a wonderful presenter and also took the time to sit down with me to teach me some of his wisdom. He was very informative and easy to talk too. My last two experiences with Deb and Dr. Seiler has been very beneficial towards my laser treatments. Hopefully I will get to spend more time learning from them in the future.
-Emily Weinhaus PA-C
Dr. Seiler,
Thank you for the fabulous laser training. We look forward to working with you in the future.
-Julie Stephenson
Dr. Seiler really helped us out of a jam and trained Dr. Ford’s office in Presque Isle, ME. I received a call from Dr. Ford’s surgical RN yesterday who flat out said that the entire practice loved him. They were so happy with all aspects of what he brought to the table. In fact, she told me that they are considering a trip to Birmingham, AL to visit his practice. They couldn’t have asked for more and couldn’t be happier. I’ll look forward to having the opportunity to work with him again. Take care.
-Matt Degrandpre
Dr. Schuster and I were very satisfied with our Duet training with Dr. Seiler. He arrived on a timely manner as agreed upon. We started with a didactic session for an hour and saw clients for the remaining of the day. Dr. Seiler was extremely professional and informative with me. It was beneficial to me that each of my clients presented a different body area to treat which allowed him to show me different positioning techniques. I am pleased to learn that the HS head can treat the majority of the body! He spent extra time with me in sharing his knowledge on the use of our Lumenis One as well. He promptly followed up with the material he promised to send me and extended an invitation to call him with any questions or concerns I may have.
-Nancy Neusen
I am happy to write this strong letter and highly recommend Dr. Seiler. I have known Dr. Seiler personally for the last year. I have found him to be an excellent clinician and laser surgeon. He is highly trained and knowledgeable of the latest laser technologies that will make a medical practice flourish. He has searched for improvements in his techniques and regularly visits the meetings of the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, which is one of the most important aesthetic lasers societies in the United States. He is very caring for all his patients and his integrity and general character are beyond reproach.
Gustavo A. Diaz, MD
Facial Plastic Surgeon
I have known Doctor Seiler since he was a surgery resident at Carraway Methodist Medical Center beginning in 2003. During this time I found him to be a committed young surgeon who had excellent surgical skills and took very good care of patients. It was a pleasure having Doctor Seiler do a rotation in the Division of Plastic Surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham where he spent time in the operating room, seeing patients in the clinic and rounding in the hospital. He worked on academic assignments which he sought out. He also worked on three peer review publications and he took it upon himself to rewrite one entire paper on “Metastasis of Breast Cancer” and composed the manuscript in the case of another on “The use of Radial Forearm Free-Tissue Transfer”. Doctor Seiler’s moral and ethical characteristics are unblemished. He is has excellent rapport with peers and patients alike.
-Luis O. Vasconez, MD
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your help today! I hope that your trip was enjoyable ( at least for a business one). I wanted to let you know that you are always welcome to come to our office if you wanted to see some oculoplastic things or orbit stuff since you said that you did not get to see those things in residency. Also I will send you a cd of all of my forms that you can look at to see if you want to use. I am sure that you have everything streamlined but I know I am always interested in others’ ideas. If you want to hang out with John Fezza who does hair transplants, and full face lifts or Richard Bryant (UCLA trained and full body plastic trained and a former resident of UAB- Dr. Long) just let me know and I can see what I can do. John is in Sarasota and Richard is in Dothan, AL. Thank you again.
-Carrie Morris, MD
Everything has been going well with the Duet, and we really wanted to thank you for the wonderful training, as well as all the information on the UltraPulse. I talked with our Drs. and they said they would be very interested in having you come back for some Advanced Training on the UltraPulse, but it would be after the first of the year. I also sent Trip a note regarding this and told him how much we appreciated having a Physician do our training. I asked him to pass it on to his manager and to whom ever else it would be appropriate.
-Donna, Dermatologist S.C.
Dr. Seiler was awesome for training. He is very knowledgeable and just a wealth of information on the laser, marketing, etc. Everyone enjoyed his visit out here and we have been in contact with him on a regular basis when we have additional questions.
-Dave Robbins
A review from Lori Haney after completion of the board examination by Dr. Seiler for ABLS certification: As a Registered Nurse working with Class IV medical lasers, I found it challenging to connect with fellow practitioners that had a similar interest and knowledge base for such a specific specialty. I discovered that ABLS was an excellent organization to align medical practitioners worldwide in an effort to pursue best practices and stay on the forefront of research.
Through the examination and interview process, I was able to align myself with the “best of the best.” In addition, having Diplomat status as an RN has helped to solidify my role in the world of aesthetic nursing.
Dr. Seiler was an important part of this process as his passion for the learning process was refreshing and inspiring. He is an advocate for the role of nursing, and I find his enthusiasm and leadership through his position at ABLS to be one that serves all practitioners well.Lori Haney, RN, MEP-C
Certified Medical Laser Safety Officer
Diplomate of American Board of Laser Surgery
Celibre Medical Corporation
A review from Huma Khurrum after completion of the board examination by Dr. Seiler for ABLS certification: Enjoyed thoroughly this opportunity to reflect. An excellent program – I learned a lot. A very high pedagogical standard with flexible timings. Very reasonably priced too. I have personally gained enormous amount of knowledge in lasers physics and mechanics – covered many interesting topics. This is one of the few courses I’ve ever taken where the study guide reinforced all of the material covered. The material was presented in a well thought out, easily digestible way. I am able to put this knowledge to immediate use at my work since the completion of this course! Highly recommended for dermatologists!
-Huma Khurrum, Riyadh (KSA)
I recently received my Diplomate from the American Board of Laser Surgery. The Board was founded in 1984 and this is the highest level of certification that one can receive in the safe and effective use of lasers in medical and cosmetic therapies. As we all know and agree, an M.D in dermatology does not automatically qualify us in a true understanding of laser physics. There is’nt much training imparted in the residency level and most of the training, if any, are imparted by the manufacturers themselves. The last 15 years have seen an explosion of a score of various laser and light based devices in the Indian market, and the Indian skin can be particularly challenging to work with. Lasers are highly sophisticated and dangerous devices which can cause a lot of iatrogenic injury to patient, and sometimes to treating physician, if they are not used correctly. Even minor injuries become unacceptable in the realm of cosmetic and aesthetic dermatology, as our patients expect nothing short of perfection. At the same time, safety alone is not sufficient. Physicians must also be held accountable for lack of efficacy as well. Device specific training is obviously a must, but that must be backed by a sound understanding of laser wavelengths, pulse widths, depth of penetration etc, so one can understand the full scope and various limitations of the device.
This Diplomate is not just limited to dermatologists. In fact, any doctor who works with medical laser devices must seek to undergo the rigorous process of certification. I underwent the certification designed for cosmetic laser practitioners. Even though the written examinations are on an open book basis, one needs a minimum 80% score in order to pass. About 10-15% of candidates do not pass the written examinations on the first attempt, even with an open-book policy, which attests to the examination’s rigor. While the Board has over 600 Diplomates across the world, including several Middle-Eastern and Asian countries, it is unfortunate that we do not have any ABLS Board Certified Laser Physicians in India, which is home to over 8000 dermatologists.
I have personally grown by leaps and bounds in my understanding of various laser devices used across the world. The study material was a lot more detailed and tougher than I expected. Despite several years of training in almost 10 different laser devices including a platform device, I was shocked at my low scores when I took their trial examination last year. It was an eye-opener! The course is reasonably priced and the examinations are designed to fit into the tight schedule of a busy practitioner.
-Dr. Sunaina Hameed, MBBS, MD, Dip.ABLS (USA)
A review from Dr. Seki after completion of the board examination by Dr. Seiler for ABLS certification: I am Dr. Masahiro Seki, Japanese Veterinarian. I have a private practice in Nagoya, Japan. There are many happy patients in my practice after I began to use Laser for treatment of animals.
I used to feel that many patients get a lot of stress from traditional treatment and sometimes they are exposed to risk for taking a surgery. Especially, in Japan there aren’t good solutions for it.
One day I encountered a book named ” Veterinary Laser Surgery”. According to the book, the laser surgery can remove unnecessary stress and risk such as extensive bleeding. So, I decided to learn the newest method in the US. Then I searched what is the most trustworthy organization in America. Finally, I found a great board and it was the American Board of Laser Surgery. The ABLS gives certification for laser surgery and provide an applicable textbook to learn accurate knowledge about laser. It was not only clinical laser applications but also laser basics too.
I think it is very important to study laser basics like physics and biochemical knowledge to use the laser for our practice safe. The ABLS Study Guide contains Laser Physics, Optics, Surgical Delivery Systems, Importance of Power Density, Tissue effect of Light, Laser Safety, and Biophysics of Resurfacing Human Skin also. We must have this knowledge to use laser more accurate and safe in our practice.
And we can get a certificate of the laser surgery to take some examinations. I improved my skills of laser surgery through the process and it was a very useful experiences for me. In Written Exam, it was not so hard to pass if we study the Study Guide suitably. On the other hand, I felt little bit nervous when I took the Oral Exam because I didn’t speak English very well then. However, Dr. Seiler helped me to release my tension talking friendly. When the Exam started I even relaxed because his questions were very gentle and pointedly with a little chat during the Oral Exam. Then I got the certificate of the ABLS finally.
I work hard using laser to get the certificate from the ABLS. What getting the certificate means having correct laser knowledge and using it efficiently. So, I got many practical accomplishments and stability of my techniques. It leads permeation of laser treatment and patients can benefit from the advantages of the laser surgery such as less bleeding, less painful, and less hospitalization. I believe that the ABLS certificate and study steps are very helpful to cosmetic doctors too because they need to know how the laser light works to human skins and important to handle laser machines for the delicate skins.
I hope to have the certificate of the ABLS as many doctors as possible in years to come. It would be very helpful for us and patients. Thanks very much Dr. Seiler, I am so happy to have such a wonderful experiences and certificate.
Masahiro Seki, DVM
Owner & Medical Director
Animal Laser Center
A review from Dr. Ghanem after completion of the board examination by Dr. Seiler for ABLS certification: After practicing Dermatology for 30 years, 14 years of which focused on cosmetic dermatology, I decided to study for the exams of the American Board of Laser Surgery. This proved to be a very fruitful experience. Not only did I polish and update my knowledge about all aspects of Laser treatments & safety, but also became a part of an active group of skilled professionals sharing experiences & knowledge. After passing the written exams, the oral exam with Dr. Warren B. Seiler III, MD was exceptionally rewarding. During a 1-hour period we discussed numerous aspects of laser use in Cosmetic Medicine. I benefited a lot from his technical expertise and suggestions and gained a new friend & colleague.
Hussein Ghanem, M.D.
Diplomate of ABLS
Consultant Dermatologist
Professor, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
I truly enjoyed my training with Dr. Warren. He is dynamic, and he took me from zero to 100 in no time. He is also a movie star. Take a look at our news coverage. It was too bad you were not here!
-Michael S. Escobedo, M.D.
A review from Dr. Robbins after completion of the board examination by Dr. Seiler for ABLS certification: I am a board certified plastic surgeon in Des Moines, Iowa. My practice is 100% cosmetic in nature and lasers encompass a large portion of my practice. I elected to pursue Board certification by the ABLS for several reasons. First, I have always performed lasers in my practice but we were expanding the number, variety and type of lasers we offered so I wanted to have something that distinguished me from the rest of the practitioners out there performing laser procedures. I also wanted to become more knowledgeable about our current and new lasers in order to provide the most effective results in a safe manner to my patients. Dr. Seiler was extremely helpful during the application process, the written test, as well as the final oral board test. The board examination was acceptably challenging. I became much more knowledgeable about laser physics and safety. During the oral boards, Dr. Seiler focused on a broad range of topics but emphasized laser safety and staff education and training. The entire process was great. I look forward to having a wealth of information available to me through the ABLS.
David Robbins, M.D.
Des Moines Plastic Surgery
I am writing in reference to Warren B. Seiler III, MD who visited our office to provide training for the ActiveFX and DeepFX laser. This training was extremely beneficial to our staff and has helped us tremendously. Dr. Seiler gave us very practical information and material we can relate to clinically. Dr. Seiler’s explanations of the new ActiveFX and DeepFX laser treatment were excellent. Lumenis should be very proud to have such a wonderful representative of their products and services. We give him our highest recommendation without reservation. Thank you for sending Dr. Seiler to educate us. He has an open invitation to visit our office anytime! We greatly appreciate your efforts in sending him our way. We look forward to using the ActiveFX and DeepFX laser. We plan to keep an ongoing relationship with Dr. Seiler as our laser practice continues to grow and develop.
-Dr. Henry Ford
I first met Dr. Seiler in Jacksonville, FL in 2009. I had just begun practicing out of fellowship and bought a new CO2 Lumenis laser. Dr. Seiler was flown in to train me on laser resurfacing. Dr. Seiler’s brilliance and medical expertise was obvious from the start. Not only did he possess an incredible bedside manner with the patients, but his knowledge base on the physics and science behind the laser technology was extensive and truly astounded me. I’m very lucky to have met Dr. Seiler. Since that time, he has remained my friend and colleague and has advised me in almost every aspect of my current practice. I relocated to Atlanta, GA, my hometown. I joined a fantastic group and have also started an aesthetic center as part of my practice – one of my lifelong dreams. With Dr. Seiler’s consultation and advice, I have not only learned more about lasers and skin care, but I have also learned a tremendous amount about running a business! He has been a Godsend and I am inordinately grateful for the time he has spent with me. I have no doubt that a good part of my success can be attributed to his guidance and friendship.
Kristina Price, MD
Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Atlanta, GA
Dear Dr. Seiler, The exam interview with you earlier today was a great delight. Talking about my experience in using the laser especially diode and erbium is very interesting to me and I can go on about it for ages as it is a great passion of mine. Talking about my experience in diode laser in dentistry (teeth bleaching, root canal treatment, gingival depigmentation and periodontal disease) and use of erbium laser 2940 nm in cavity preparation and also in skin resurfacing was a very nice time to learn from you about facial cosmetic and skin rejuvenation. I hope to meet you in the USA in the future and work with you on all laser skin treatment. Thank you again for this exam.
-Dr. Mohammed Saleem, Saudi Arabia
Dear Dr. Seiler,
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits.
It was a learning experience going through ABLS structured exams. Starting from the basic scientific concepts of lasers to high end usage of lasers and future concepts are discussed in the study materials provided. I had taken the examination step by step so as to have ample time to understand the theory in between the clinical practice.
The viva procedure was also simplified through online video conferencing and wide array of my clinical practice and experiences were discussed which gave me an insight into further enhancing my practice guidelines.
I wish to thank the board for enrolling me and providing me the necessary knowledge in this field. Hope the activities of this laser board will be further enhanced in future with importance given to laser safety and developing guidelines for laser use.
Thanks and Regards,
Dr. James Zachariah P M.D
Dermatologist,Kaya Skin Clinics
Abudhabi, U.A.E
Thanks Dr. Seiler, it was pleasure talking to you! The ABLS is an excellent experience to me, I will recommend it to my colleagues. All the best and looking forward for further co- operation.
-Dr. Labib
It was a learning experience going through the ABLS structured exams. Starting from the basic scientific concepts of lasers to the high-end usage of lasers and future concepts, these are discussed in the study materials provided. I had taken the written examinations step-by-step so as to have ample time to understand the theory in between the clinical practice information. The oral examination was also simplified through the online video conferencing, and a wide array of my clinical practice and experiences were discussed. This gave me an insight into further enhancing my practice guidelines.
I wish to thank the Board for enrolling me and providing me the necessary knowledge in this field.Thanks and regards,
Dr. James Z., M.D.
Dermatologist U.A.E.
My oral exam with Dr. Seiler was amazing and very interesting, he and I had a great discussion about different topics in laser. Thank you very much Dr. Seiler for examining me, I wish you all the best.
The ABLS has added great value to my career, I am amazed how I can now combine general dermatology with new technology in lasers. My words cannot express how grateful I am.
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, Dr. Seiler & the ABLS, you truly helped my training in so many ways.
-Dr. Hanadi Abuyousif
Dear Dr. Seiler,
Hope all is well with you. I just wanted to extend my deep appreciation to the ABLS team, Administration and your good self . All the stages of the ABLS have been passed very smoothly. Although I found the laser physic and tissue interaction chapter is a bit complicated but the study material is generally very informative, the written exam was very challenging and the required scores were high even with the open book facility so it grandees that the ABLS holders are qualified fellows. Truly I enjoyed the oral exam, you managed the discussion in a friendly and professional way. ABLS is an excellent experience and I surely will recommended it to my colleagues.
Best Wishes,
I recently had the pleasure of having Dr. Warren B. Seiler in our office as he spent time training me and my staff. I have worked with injectables for several years but was considering the use of a new product and Dr. Seiler did a great job introducing me to the product and the new injecting techniques. He was professional, extremely knowledgeable and thorough in answering all of our questions. The training provided by Dr. Seiler reassured our interest in the product and we along with our patients are very pleased with the outcome. Thanks Dr. Seiler for sharing your time and expertise! Respectfully,
-Steven L. Mackey, MD
Dr Seiler visited our facility Still Waters Medical Spa in Pensacola to advance our clinicians techniques in injectable fillers, primarily Voluma. He is very informative, patient with hands on training, and a great resource as well for laser treatments. I feel he improved my abilities for contouring the “lean” face, while maintaining a very natural appearance.
-Mary Anne Aanestad ARNP
I spent 2 days with Dr. Seiler getting hands-on additional training in CO2 fractional laser resurfacing, laser hair removal, Fraxel nonablative laser resurfacing, Exilis radiofrequency body contouring, Intense Pulsed Light, and Lamprobe radiofrequency unit. This was an amazing experience unparalleled by a weekend course of any sort. Having had many years of experience using lasers, I wanted to get more accustomed to a greater variety of lasers and to discuss settings and perioperative care. The other component of this experience is with his staff. They worked as a “well oiled machine” together as a team. I learned a lot about practice management and medical spa design from his staff. They are knowledgeable about the various skin care lines and perioperative care. Dr. Seiler and his staff have a professional atmosphere with patient focused care. This experience would be helpful for staff members as well. Dr. Seiler has a great amount of knowledge regarding cosmetic laser surgery and is wonderful resource to learn from.
-Carrie Morris, MD
I recently had the pleasure of having Dr. Warren Seiler in my office at the Laser Skin Center in Northport Alabama for Voluma injection training. Dr. Seiler was extremely caring and professional with my clients, and very attentive in assuring I performed the procedures correctly with the clients safety and comfort level being priority. Overall he made me feel at ease and proved why Allergan utilizes his expertise to train physicians on the use of their products.
-Jeff Parker, M.D.
Dear Dr. Seiler,
I am pleased and delighted to inform you that I have recently passed the ABLS oral exam. Having you Dr. Seiler as my oral examiner was such an honor.
My association with the ABLS since the day I registered was incredibly pleasant and very educational. I truly appreciate the proactive approach you and your staff provided during this career posting experience.
I am a dermatologist at the advanced clinics in Jeddah-KSA. I have been practicing medicine for almost 8 years and I have set many written and oral exams during the last few years and I always believe that as much as we prepare for the exam as a student, there is always something new we learn through the exam itself. My orax exam with Dr. Seiler was very valuable and knowledgeable as we discussed different interesting topics and I was so happy and amazed about his intelligent interaction. I felt so comfortable and blessed each time I finished my answers and he gave me the confidence to answer the next questions. Dr. Seiler is a good listener, he has a wonderful personality. I wish and am looking forward to meet him in person in the USA soon.
Thank you very much Dr. Seiler for examining me and thank the ABLS for giving me the pleasure to know such a great physician.
It is my opinion that the ABLS provides candidates like myself with the supplementary tools to make a difference in the lives of others.
Thank you for your diligent and kind regards.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Hanadi Abuyousif
I recently had the privilege attending a training presented by Dr. Warren Seiler covering use of Allergan’s Voluma and Juvederm. The afternoon covered both the academic/didactic portion as well as hands on time. The classroom teaching was excellent. There was enough interaction and detail to prevent it from becoming a memorized, uninformative speech as some trainings are. It was very helpful that Dr. Seiler demonstrated his consult approach and evaluation technique on a model patient as well as on those of us in the room learning. Asking questions was very easy since he was very relaxed, unrushed and personable the entire duration of his stay. The hands-on time was also beneficial since he was willing to let the class inject as he critiqued the techniques in a constructive manner. I would certainly highly recommend Dr. Seiler as an educator for this or any other product that a company may wish to have reviewed and demonstrated. It was one of the most helpful presentations that I have attended and I will hopefully be able to speak with him further to gain more insight and experience.
Sincerely yours,
Abert E. Rivera, DO
Dermatologist/Mohs Surgeon
Dr. Seiler conducted a training seminar at our office and was proficient in his knowledge of patient anatomy and a multitude of dermal fillers and botulinum toxins. He has a keen eye and is able to augment the more youthful aspects of a patients face while maintaining a natural look. After spending a day working with him it is clear that he has refined his own natural aesthetic talents through years of discipline practice and personal study.
-Kristin Kalmbacher, MD
I attended a training class at Seiler Skin and it was a great experience. Everyone there was so welcoming and kind. I would recommend them to anyone in the area. I look forward to attending some more training in the near future. Thank you to you all for the hospitality and education we received that day.
-Patti Hudson
Dr. Seiler,
I wanted to send you a note to let you know we really appreicate you coming to Huntsville to do the Allergan Epic training last week. Dr. Edmonson thought your curriculum and training tips were very informative. It was also very advantageous to have two other physicians there to bounce around ideas, tips and tricks with as well. Having multiple models with di erent facial structures and aesthetic needs was very helpful, especially with your excellent hands on training approach.
Thanks again for everything,
Julianne S. Gunn