3 Key Benefits of Online Cosmetic Training
Through more than 13 years of practice and 27,000 cosmetic injections, I’ve experienced plenty of learning moments that have altered the trajectory of my career. The biggest epiphany that’s hit me since I started practicing cosmetic medicine is that the way in which practitioners in our field seek ongoing education is rapidly evolving. Increasingly, having direct access to resources that equip us with the real-life skills necessary to provide quality patient care and proven results has become an attractive and exciting way to learn.
I’ve always had a passion for teaching others and helping them hone their expertise, which is why I founded Seiler Skin Aesthetic Institute (SSAI) more than a decade ago. In that time, I’ve trained and board examined practitioners in 11 countries on a variety of cosmetic procedures. Thanks to recent advancements in technology (and a ton of hard work!), we just launched our first set of online training courses on neurotoxin and filler injections.
Many of my peers have asked what sets our online courses apart from hands-on training opportunities, so I thought to address some of the key ways SSAI is working to transform the way we train.
Ready Accessibility
SSAI’s online training platform allows users to learn at a pace that works with their busy schedules. The courses are broken down into five modules each that consist of lecture series, whiteboard sessions, and clinical demonstrations. This allows users to more easily work through and understand the course material, emphasizing the importance of comprehension and real learning takeaways. Practitioners can take digital notes as they progress through our courses, and have the ability to go back to review specific sections as needed for additional clarity. Plus, when you purchase a course, your access to the training videos and supplemental learning materials never expires. While hands-on training courses and conferences will offer some take-home materials, you can’t take the instructor home with you. But with SSAI, you can!
Patient Variability
One of the biggest things I focused on when developing my online training platform was showing wide patient variability. Every patient we see is different, requiring us to understand the nuances that come with effectively treating a diverse patient base. Many of the training courses available today – both online and hands-on – are very limited in this aspect, mostly due to time and resource constraints. My in-depth trainings provide practitioners with unparalleled instruction on consulting with, assessing, and performing cosmetic injection procedures on patients of all ages, genders, skin types, and ethnicities.
Increased Efficiency
Another huge benefit of online training is the reduced cost for practitioners who are eager to learn but don’t want to break the bank. Hands-on training plays an important role in developing one’s skill set, but generally entails travel, hotel, and opportunity costs from having to be away from patients for an extended period of time. With SSAI, you’ll save both time and money by learning right from the comfort of your home or office.
The cosmetic and aesthetic industry is changing every day, and with it the very way in which we train. Online training provides practitioners the opportunity to gain the expertise they need when, where, and how they want it, which is why SSAI is committed to empowering individuals and helping them learn in the best way possible. From expert injectors to those entering the field, we want to equip practitioners of all experience levels with the comprehensive, quality training they both desire and deserve. Our courses are bridging the knowledge gap that previously existed in the training space and truly transforming how we learn every day.
You can start by taking a virtual tour of our training platform, or by registering for my FREE, one-hour course on the potential dangers of filler and how to address them. If you’re ready to take your practice and skills to the highest levels, go ahead and sign up for our online filler and neurotoxin courses today and experience firsthand the difference SSAI’s online training can make!